A Review of The Notion of Healthy Eating Practices In Islam For A Healthy Lifestyle
Islam, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, halalan tayyiban, systematic literature reviewAbstract
The number of obesity and diseases related to obesity increases globally, which imposes a burden on healthcare costs. The first line to prevent these is by practising a healthy lifestyle, particularly healthy eating practices from the early years. This review focuses on eating practices based on Holy Quran and Hadith recommendations. Muslim scholars' views based on the Holy Quran and Hadith recommendations were also referred to. This review highlights the healthy eating practices of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and enlightens the importance of halalan tayyiban foods. The electronic databases used were Google Scholar, Medline and PUBMED. Related books, journals, and articles were also reviewed. Healthy eating should begin from the first day of human life, that is, through breastfeeding. Healthy eating practices by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH through prophetic foods and scientific benefits have significant human value. Proper techniques like moderation in oral intake, masticating food well, eating fruit before a meal and consuming vegetable oil like olive oil are techniques practised by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Fasting, as a scientifically promoted method for a healthier life, was practised much earlier by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH This review likewise describes the halalan tayyiban foods, which are an essential part of daily eating practices.
The Main Source of Reference is The Holy Quran and Hadith
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