Tai Chi to Preserve General Health of Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tai Chi, general health, elderly, COVID-19, exerciseAbstract
SARS-CoV-2 virus is more severe in the elderly and contributes to most death cases. This is postulated due to the presence of multiple comorbidities and age-related immunological changes like immunosenescence and inflameaging. Immunesenescence causes impaired viral clearance, while inflameaging causes exaggerated response inappropriate to stimuli that triggers life-threatening cytokine storm. Hence, home-isolation prevents infection among the elderly and this limits their physical activity. Sedentary lifestyle eventually worsens pre-existing chronic disease and increases the risk of acquiring a new one. Tai Chi is one of the exercises recommended for the elderly during home-isolation. This literature review aims to provide information regarding the groups suggested for Tai Chi, its benefits, as an exercise to be practiced by elderly to maintain general health during COVID-19 and adverse effects. Tai Chi is for those aged 50 years and above or individuals with certain chronic, degenerative or psychological conditions. The systemic benefits are reduction in blood pressure, improves lipid profile, reduction in bone loss and musculoskeletal improvements; whereas neurologically, it reduces cortical shrinkage and improves depression, anxiety and insomnia. Moreover, it induces immune-regulation, which leads to enhancement of the immune system and inhibition of age-related chronic inflammatory condition, inflameaging. These may be protective against severe COVID-19 illness yet further studies are warranted. The adverse effect includes minor musculoskeletal pain and aches. In conclusion, Tai Chi is an ideal exercise for the elderly to maintain health during this challenging pandemic. However, the elderly need to be guided for the proper technique to perform this exercise at home.
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