Kaedah Memahami Makna al-Quran dalam Pengintegrasian Ayat Hafazan dengan Ilmu Aqli
[Method Of Comprehending the Meaning of al-Quran in Integrating Memorised Verses with Aqli Knowledge]
tafsir, tadabbur, ulum Al-Qur’anAbstract
Efforts to integrate the Quranic memorised verse with the aqli knowledge have been given attention by several tahfiz educational institutions in Malaysia, among them through an integrated curriculum approach and integration between subjects. However, the integrating of the Quran with aqli knowledge requires a deep understanding of the meaning of the verse because of the position of the Quran as Kalamullah. Hence, this study highlights the methods outlined by the scholars to understand the meaning of the Quran. Library research methodology is used in this study by analyzing the writings of scholars on the method of understanding the verses of memorization of the Quran. The results of the study found that scholars outlined 18 methods to understand memorized verses of the Quran: knowing asbab al-nuzul, knowing the methodology of Arabic language, knowing topic and basic objective of al-Quran, a comprehensive view of verses for a topic (interpretation of al-Quran with al-Quran), understanding from hadith perspective, utilising the commentary of companions and followers, knowing environment of revelation (makkiyyah and madaniyyah), knowing al-nasikh and al-mansukh, knowing muhkam and mutashabih, knowing the meaning of a single word in various contexts, knowing the context of verse, knowing dilalah of verse (meaning), knowing the discourse of the Quran, knowing customs and stories of Arab, knowing al-waqf and al-ibtida’, beware of Israiliyyat, knowing
Pengintegrasian ilmu naqli dan aqli adalah diwajibkan dalam setiap subjek di Kolej GENIUS Insan dan pengintegrasian dalam pendidikan al-Quran di KGI adalah tidak terkecuali. Namun, pengintegrasian al-Quran dengan ilmu aqli memerlukan kefahaman yang mendalam tentang makna ayat tersebut kerana kedudukan al-Quran sebagai Kalamullah. Justeru, kajian ini mengetengahkan kaedah-kaedah yang digariskan oleh para ulama untuk memahami makna al-Quran. Metodologi kajian perpustakaan digunakan dalam kajian ini dengan menganalisis tulisan para ulama berkenaan kaedah kefahaman makna al-Quran. Hasil kajian mendapati ulama menggariskan 18 kaedah untuk memahami makna al-Quran iaitu mengetahui asbab al-nuzul, mengetahui kaedah bahasa Arab, mengetahui topik dan objektif asas bagi al-Quran dan surah-surah, pandangan menyeluruh terhadap ayat-ayat bagi sesuatu topik (tafsir al-Quran dengan al-Quran), memahami daripada perspektif hadith, memanfaatkan tafsir sahabat & tabi’in, mengetahui persekitaran penurunan (makkiyyah dan madaniyyah), mengetahui al-nasikh dan al-mansukh, mengetahui muhkam dan mutashabih, mengetahui maksud sesuatu lafaz dalam pelbagai konteks, memahami konteks ayat, mengetahui dilalah ayat, mengetahui wacana al-Quran, mengetahui adat dan kisah masyarakat Arab, mengetahui al-waqf dan al-ibtida’, berhati-hati dengan Israiliyyat, mengetahui ilmu psikologi manusia, dan menjiwai ayat dan makna.
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