من خصئص الخطاب الاصلاحي في تفسير الامام عبد الحميد بن باديس

[Characteristics of the Reformist Discourse in the Quranic Exegesis of Imam Abdulhamid Bin Badis


  • Bey Zekkoub Abdelali Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic Universiti Malaysia




Abdulhamid Bin Badis, Reformist, Algeria, Islam, Muslim Scholar, Tafseer, Exegesis, Qur'an


Abdulhamīd Bin Bādīs is a prominent Algerian scholar known for his social reformation. He contributed to social reformation by taking up modern interpretation of selected verses of the Qur’an in a way suitable for all types of groups and sections of Algerian society at that time. This research aims to excogitate characteristics of the reformist message of Imam Ibn Bādīs. In this research, I will discuss firstly, the biography of Imam Ibn Bādīs and his time, secondly, the meaning of concept of the discourse, thirdly an analytical study of Characteristics of the Reformist Discourse of Imam Abdulhamīd Bin Bādīs under ten aspects: The call to the use of Qur’an and Sunnah, The call to the understanding and straight action, The call to reform the souls, The call to the brotherhood, The call to system and the Shūrā Council, The call to the unity, The call for seeking right knowledge, The call to the nationalism, clarity of idea, The realism and the gradual change, inclusiveness, chastity tongue and pen, flexibility in unprincipled and stability in principles. The research methods applied in the study include descriptive, analytical, and inductive approach.


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Author Biography

Bey Zekkoub Abdelali, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic Universiti Malaysia



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How to Cite

Abdelali, B. Z. (2019). من خصئص الخطاب الاصلاحي في تفسير الامام عبد الحميد بن باديس: [Characteristics of the Reformist Discourse in the Quranic Exegesis of Imam Abdulhamid Bin Badis. Ulum Islamiyyah, 16, 199–214. https://doi.org/10.33102/uij.vol16no0.128