E-Platform for Purification of Islamic Thoughts: A Preliminary Study on The Needs Among UiTM Students
e-platform, Islamic Thought, purificationAbstract
This study examines the needs of University Teknology MARA (UiTM) students for an e-platform to purify their thinking. Recognizing the increasing influence of negative thinking on the formation and personal development of students, this study aims to understand how such platforms can meet the spiritual and intellectual needs of Muslim students in the modern world. This study is a quantitative study. To achieve the objectives of the study, data collection and numerical data analysis are carried out. This study involved a total of 371 students at University UiTM Shah Alam from various faculties of study. The questionnaire was distributed using the Google Forms platform through a WhatsApp group with the lecturer. In this study, the questionnaire consisted of three (4) parts that were designed as research instruments, namely part A: respondents' backgrounds, part B containing questions related to Islamic understanding and practice by UiTM students, part C containing questions related to UiTM students' thoughts, and part D containing questions related to the need for an e-platform to purify Islamic thought. The choice of answer is to use a Likert scale of 1–5. The findings of the study found that students have a high level of understanding and practice of Islam, but their Islamic thinking is still at a moderate level. Therefore, the need to purify Islamic thought is very appropriate to overcome uncertainty and ambiguity as well as students' confusion on issues related to Islamic thought.
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