Learning Religious Moderation From The Devil In Sufism Literature
Religious moderation, Devil, SufismAbstract
A unique and paradoxical understanding of the devil can inspire an inclusive religious attitude. This is because it leads to an assessment of a person's religious quality which cannot only be seen from outward or physical performance. Religious attitudes like this can be a reinforcement in realizing religious moderation. This study uses a literature review that aims to examine the concept of monotheism of the Devil in the Sufi tradition, and its relation to the values of religious moderation which are implied in the unique and paradoxical understanding of the figure of the Devil. The results of this study show that the concept of monotheism of Satan in the perspective of Sufism has relevance and implications for the values of religious moderation in realizing tolerance and respect for religious freedom. From the perspective of Sufism, all of God's creations are the same, even though they look different outwardly. Only God has the right to judge the quality of a person's religion, not humans. So there is no need to question the difference because the difference is the will of God himself.
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