Islamic Foundations of Sustainable Employee Behavior: Evidence From The Noble Quranic Verses And Hadith
Islamic behavior, Organizational Behavior, homogeneous behavior, hypocrisy, dissemblance, truthfulness, Sincerity, behavioral training, sustainable behavior.Abstract
Islam is a comprehensive religion, and the need for its teachings increases with the increase in human problems. In this era, the need for organizations to face the challenge of sustainability increases, seeking to enable the behavior of employees to become a sustainable behavior that contributes to its sustainability. This research aims to explore the Islamic foundations in the sustainable behavior of employees. The literature attached the sustainability of behavior with environmental, psychological, and spiritual but did not relate them to the Islamic foundations that emphasize fixed pillars for establishing sustainable behavior. In this study, we follow the descriptive-analytical approach and explore these pillars through the noble Quranic verses and the authentic Hadiths. The study suggests that the establishment of sustainable behavior is based on a tripartite link between Islamic behavior in the working environment, behavior in the personal surroundings, and behavioral training. So that it creates a homogeneity of the individual's behavior, and where the same behavior is required of him is the same in the workplace and the personal surroundings, so the focus is on avoiding hypocrisy and affirming truthfulness and Reinforcing and directing behavior through training in this behavior to ensure its steadiness and sustainability. We aspire to make a systematic change in behavior management for sustainability, and this research paper contributes to developing the behavioral view of employees and addressing their problems for sustainable behavior.
Al-Quran Al-kareem
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