Comparison of Efficiency of Islamic Commercial Banks Using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Method: Studies On Pt. Bank Mega Syariah Indonesia, Pt. Bank Central Asia Syariah And Pt. Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Shariah Banks, DEA, Efficiency, Islamic banking, Islamic finance, IndonesiaAbstract
This article discusses the comparison of the efficiency of PT. Bank Mega Syariah Indonesia, PT. Bank Central Asia Syariah and PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia in 2014-2021 using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method. The efficiency will be tested using quantitative research using the DEA method which is interpreted as a non-parametric method based on a linear program used to compare efficiency. The DEA model used in this study is the Variable Return to Scale (VRS) model and is assisted by technical software with DEAP Version 2.1 software with Windows OS. The results of the test are (1) Bank Mega Syariah, BCA Syariah and BANK Muamalat are always in an efficient condition from 2014-2021. Overall, the efficiency performance achieved by the three banks above has included a projection summary of each input and output which consists of original input and output values, radial movement, slack movement, and projected value. If the value of the radial movement and slack movement is 0, 000, it means that each input or output variable is in an optimal and efficient state
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