Gelagat Pengguna Dan Penjanaan Kekayaan Sewaktu Pandemik Covid-19: Satu Analisis Konseptual
[Consumer Behavior and Wealth Creation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Conceptual Analysis]
Teori pelaziman operan, Penjanaan Kekayaan, Transformasi Digital, Norma Lama, Norma Baharu, COVID-19Abstract
The theory of human behavior change is developed from psychological studies and then applied to consumer behavior. Psychologists believe that human behavior can change through stimuli and responses based on theories developed by psychologists and behaviorists. The threat of the COVID-19 pandemic has led some countries to take drastic actions such as implementing movement control orders (MCO) to curb the spread of the pandemic and provide economic stimulus packages to restore the current economic situation. In the context of Malaysia, this study suggests that the actions taken by the government can create positive and negative responses through consumer learning theory. This study is based on operant conditioning theory and the study suggests four categories of consumer behavior after the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this article is to propose a conceptual research framework related to consumer segments that exist as a result of COVID-19 and propose new types of wealth creation post-COVID-19. It is expected that the results of the study will prove that there are four segments of consumers based on reactions through behaviors that are highlighted during a pandemic. It involves the behavior of returning to the old norms, adjusting and adapting to new norms, going back to square one, and recycling the previous behaviours. Certain policies can be developed to highlight the new normative behavior among consumers to overcome the impact of COVID-19, and even to ensure that Malaysia is competitive in the face of economic recovery. Future studies need to be conducted on an ongoing basis to ensure that the proposed framework can be adapted in different contexts and industries.
Teori perubahan gelagat manusia dibangunkan dari kajian psikologi seterusnya diaplikasikan kepada gelagat pengguna. Pakar psikologi percaya bahawa gelagat manusia boleh berubah melalui rangsangan dan tindak balas berdasarkan teori-teori yang dibangunkan oleh ahli psikologi dan behaviorisme. Ancaman pandemik COVID-19 telah menyebabkan beberapa negara mengambil tindakan drastik seperti melaksanakan perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) bagi mengekang penularan pandemik dan menyediakan pakej rangsangan ekonomi untuk memulihkan keadaan ekonomi semasa. Dalam konteks negara Malaysia, kajian ini mencadangkan bahawa tindakan yang diambil oleh pihak kerajaan mampu mewujudkan tindak balas positif dan negatif melalui teori pembelajaran pengguna. Kajian ini didasari oleh teori pelaziman operan (operant conditioning theory) yang mencadangkan empat kategori gelagat pengguna semasa berlakunya pandemik COVID-19. Tujuan kertas kajian ini adalah untuk mencadangkan rangka kajian konseptual berkaitan segmen pengguna yang wujud akibat COVID-19 dan cadangan jenis penjanaan kekayaan yang baharu pasca COVID-19. Jangkaan hasil kajian akan membuktikan terdapat empat segmen pengguna berdasarkan reaksi melalui gelagat yang ditonjolkan semasa pandemik. Ia melibatkan gelagat kembali ke tabiat asal, norma baharu, norma baharu yang sederhana, dan kitar semula. Dasar-dasar tertentu boleh dibangunkan bertujuan untuk mengetengahkan gelagat norma baharu dalam kalangan pengguna bagi mengatasi impak COVID-19, malahan untuk memastikan Malaysia berdaya saing dalam mengharungi pemulihan ekonomi. Kajian di masa akan datang perlu dijalankan secara berterusan untuk memastikan rangka kerja yang dicadangkan dapat diadaptasi dalam konteks dan industri yang berbeza.
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