Empowering the Survival of SME Business in Challenges Against Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis towards Thriving the Performance
COVID-19, SME, performanceAbstract
The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is a human tragedy affecting tons of people around the world. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the following Movement Control Order (MCO), is driving the community to embrace a new norm and to speedily adapt to new ways of lifestyles. The outbreak imposed negative impacts on global economy, industries as well as business community. Small and medium enterprises (SME's) are among the hardest hit following the application of the new norm, the Covid-19 and the MCO, back to March 2020. Therefore, the study mainly highlights on the factors that would accelerate and thrive the performance of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic, hence would help SME to survive. The study was conducted by collecting data through survey and utilizing quantitative method.
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