Pelaksanaan Amalan Chaplaincy Muslim di Hospital Mesra Ibadah (HMI)
[The Practices of Chaplaincy in Muslim Friendly Hospitals]
chaplaincy, Hospital Mesra Ibadah (HMI), islamisasi, perkhidmatan perubatan Islam, spiritualAbstract
Chaplaincy is a health professional who can provide guidance on patient management and care in terms of listening and spiritual guidance skills. The practice of chaplaincy has long been growing in Western countries and the demand for Muslim chaplaincy is increasing every year. The level of spiritual guidance used in helping the patient's healing process is divided into three, namely advice, guidance and emotional and psychological strengthening (psychotherapy). In Malaysia, practices such as visits by Religious Officers or hospital volunteers on the dying patient have existed. However, there is no specific training or proper guideline to help patients and families in terms of spiritual needs. The Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (PPIM) in a study on prayer when sick found that only 20 per cent of Muslim patients perform prayers while on the ward. Meanwhile, Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu in a study on the implementation of worship while in the ward found that 48 per cent of patients said that no medical staff guided them on how to perform prayer and how to perform ablution (wudhu’) while in the hospital ward. The awareness to meet the needs of patients especially Muslim patients has brought Al-Islam Specialist Hospital together with the Academy of Ibadah Mesra Hospital (HMI) to introduce a chaplaincy programme that is adapted and adapted to the basic Islamic and practical concepts that are suitable to be practised in Malaysia. This article is in the form of narrative reviews and studies conducted by the library method by analyzing the practice and implementation of Muslim chaplaincy in domestic and foreign hospitals. The chaplaincy program has the potential to be absorbed as a specialized program in every public and private hospital in the country. It is seen to help patients who need guidance in the aspect of holistic healthcare which includes four major elements, namely physical, psychological, mental and spiritual. Chaplaincy not only benefits Muslim patients but also non-Muslim patients.
Chaplaincy merupakan profesional di bidang kesihatan yang dapat memberikan panduan dan bimbingan tentang pengurusan dan penjagaan pesakit dari sudut kemahiran mendengar dan bimbingan spiritual. Praktis chaplaincy telah lama berkembang di negara Barat dan permintaan untuk chaplaincy Muslim semakin meningkat saban tahun. Tahap bimbingan spiritual yang digunakan dalam usaha membantu proses penyembuhan pesakit terbahagi kepada tiga iaitu nasihat, bimbingan tunjuk cara serta pengukuhan emosi dan psikologi (psikoterapi). Di Malaysia, amalan seperti ziarah pesakit oleh Pegawai Agama atau sukarelawan hospital yang membantu ketika sakaratul maut telah wujud namun tiada suatu latihan khusus atau garis panduan yang tepat bagi membantu pesakit dan keluarga dari sudut keperluan spiritual. Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia (PPIM) dalam kajian mengenai solat ketika sakit mendapati hanya 20 peratus daripada pesakit beragama Islam yang menunaikan solat ketika berada di wad. Manakala Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu dalam kajian mengenai pelaksanaan ibadah ketika berada di wad mendapati 48 peratus pesakit menyatakan tiada petugas perubatan yang membimbing mereka tentang cara melakukan solat dan cara mengambil wudhu ketika berada di wad hospital. Atas kesedaran untuk memenuhi keperluan kepada pesakit terutamanya pesakit Muslim, telah membawa Hospital Pakar Al-Islam bersama dengan Akademi Hospital Mesra Ibadah (HMI) memperkenalkan program chaplaincy yang diadaptasi dan disesuaikan dengan konsep asas Islam dan praktikal yang sesuai diamalkan di Malaysia. Artikel ini adalah berbentuk ulasan naratif dan kajian dijalankan dengan kaedah kepustakaan dengan menganalisa amalan dan pelaksanaan chaplaincy Muslim di hospital-hospital dalam dan luar negara. Program chaplaincy berpotensi untuk diserapkan sebagai program khusus di setiap hospital awam dan swasta di negara ini. Ianya dilihat membantu pesakit yang memerlukan panduan dalam aspek penjagaan kesihatan secara holistik yang merangkumi empat elemen besar iaitu fizikal, psikologi, mental dan spiritual. Chaplaincy tidak hanya terguna pakai kepada pesakit Muslim, bahkan pesakit bukan Muslim juga turut menerima manfaat darinya.
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