Risk and Protecting Factors of Cyberbullying in Malaysia: A Comparative Analysis
cyberbully, online application, communication,Abstract
Technology communication allowed the increased number of users over the internet. Each user is able to communicate with each other’s via mobile phone, notebook and any platform as long as connected with the internet. Therefore, they do not have to use a physical interaction while communicating. However, the development of applications such as Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp etc. resulted in positive and negative effects for victims, Perpetrators, Parents and Stakeholders. This leaves a gap that needs to be addressed since there is a limited model that explains how to prevent cyberbullying. This study aims to identify the risk factor and protecting factor used in cyberbullying. Methodology: This study was conducted using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Thus, this study provides a gap of study for existing work of cyberbullying for risk factors that contribute to cyberbullying and analyse the protection factor of cyberbullying. Based on this study, we found that communication skills, parental involvement and law enforcement are a necessity to reduce the number of cyberbullying in Malaysia.
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