The Historical Impact on the Valuation of Dowry (Mahr) Rate: Pre and Post-Colonial Eras in Johor
Islamic Family Law, Dowry, Johor, History, ColonisationAbstract
In Malaysia, the amounts of dowry “mahr” are decided by respective state of Islamic authorities accordingly based on the provision by the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. Study has identified that Johor is among the states with the lowest rate of mahr fixed upon marriage. Hence, the objective of this study is to examine the history and transformation of mahr’s rate in Johor from pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial era. This study employs a qualitative method by using content analysis, historical study, survey study and archival study. This study has also relied upon documents and interview to gain related information. The result of this study has found that the mahr’s rate in Johor was introduced and has not changed since almost a century ago. In fact, there have been some transitional periods of world currencies since that particular rate of mahr was introduced until today. Thus, this study found that the mahr’s rate which was based on the value of gold and silver previously was more beneficial for the people at that particular time as compared to the same rate used under today’s floating fiat currency. Current Mahr’s value of in today’s world is irrelevant as what Islam ruled and aimed from the regulation of mahr. The study suggests that the existing rate of mahr to be revalued in congruity with the current value of a catty of silver which is around RM 1392 as maximum rate and RM 70 as minimum rate according to previous opinion of mahr calculation that has been set in Johor.
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