Analisis Kontrastif Hubungan Kata Kerja Transitif dan Objek Dalam Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Melayu
[Contrastive Analysis of The Relationship Between Transitive Verbs and Objects in Arabic and Malay Language]
Constrastive Analysis, Transitive Verbs, Objects, Arabic Language, Malay LanguageAbstract
Pengetahuan dan pengalarnan bahasa pertama sering digunakan oleh pelajar semasa mempelajari bahasa asing/kedua. Perbezaan dan persamaan kedua-dua bahasa ibunda dan sasaran memberi implikasi positif dan negatif terhadap pembelajaran bahasa asing/kedua. Artikel ini memerihalkan suatu analisis kontrastif terhadap hubungan kata kerja transitif dan objek dalam bahasa Arab dan Melayu. Struktur dan elemen bagi aspek tatabahasa dalam kedua-dua bahasa tersebut telah dikaji. Analisis kontrastif menunjukkan terdapat beberapa persamaan seperti kata kerja bahasa Arab dan Melayu boleh ditransitifkan melalui penambahan imbuhan; kata kerja transitif yang melampaui kepada dua objek dalam bahasa Arab dan Melayu memerlukan kepada objek tepat dan objek sipi; dan objek di dalam frasa kerja aktif asalnya terletak di akhir ayat. Antara perbezaan yang dikenal pasti adalah pentransitifan kata kerja bahasa Arab kebiasaannya menerima imbuhan awalan atau dalaman sedangkan kata kerja bahasa Melayu menerima imbuhan awalan sahaja, atau awalan dan akhiran sekali gus; kata kerja transitifbahasa Arab boleh melampaui kepada tiga objek dan is tidak berlaku dalam bahasa Melayu; dan alamat i'rab dalam bahasa Arab memainkan peranan penting untuk membezakan objek daripada unsur-unsur bahasa yang lain, sedangkan penentuan objek dalam bahasa Melayu dibuat melalui makna perkamusan dan gaga bahasa. Hasil kajian telah membawa kepada implikasi pedagogikal seperti keperluan perkongsian maklumat analisis dengan pelajar, penyusunan bahan pengajaran, dan pengemaskinian kaedah pengajaran berdasarkan keputusan analisis.
Knowledge and experience in the first language are often used by students in learning foreign/second language. The differences and similarities of both native and target languages have resulted in positive and negative implications on learning a foreign/second language. This paper describes a contrastive analysis on the relationship between transitive verbs and objects in Arabic and Malay languages. The structure and element from the grammatical aspect in both languages have been studied. Contrastive analysis showed that there are several similarities such as the verbs for Arabic and Malay languages can be made transitive through the addition of prefixes and suffixes; transitive verbs that require two objects in Arabic and Malay languages need direct object and indirect object; and the object in the original active verb phrase is placed at the end of the sentence. Among the differences identified is that the transitivisation of verbs in the Arabic language usually involves adding prefixes or infixes whereas for the verbs in Malay language it only involves adding the prefixes, or prefixes and suffixes at same time; transitive verbs in the Arabic language could require three objects and this does not happen in Malay language; the i'rab address (flexi) in Arabic language plays an important role in differentiating objects from elements of other languages, while determining objects in Malay language is done through the meaning of lexicography and language style. Findings of the study led to pedagogical implications such as the need for sharing of analysis information with students, compilation of teaching materials, and updating teaching methods based on analysis outcomes.
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