Pencegahan Penyakit Covid-19 Melalui ‘Amalan Mencuci Tangan’ Daripada Perspektif Hadith
[Prevention of Covid-19 Disease through ‘Practice of Hand Washing' From the Hadith Perspective]
Pencegahan, COVID-19, mencuci tangan, jangkitan, hadith., Prevention, COVID-19, handwash, infection, hadith, COVID-19, Hygiene, Coronavirus disease 2019, disease preventionAbstract
The spread of the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia in early 2020 has brought a major change in our lives. The community needs to accept that this pandemic is likely to continue until the vaccine and specific treatment like antivirals are identified except if there is a change in attitudes. Scientists are working hard to produce vaccines and antivirals. However, these efforts require ongoing researches. Therefore, in order to prevent this outbreak from spreading continuously within the community, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has outlined three new norms that need to be practised as daily routines, which are frequent hand washing, social distancing, and use of face mask. This is because the chain of infection has to be ended by preventing the transmission of Coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 infection from individuals who are infected to other individuals in a community. Therefore, this paper discusses hand wash practices as a means of preventing COVID-19 disease from the hadith perspective. The two objectives of this study are to study the prevention of diseases through the practice of handwash based on the hadith of the prophet and analyze the relationship between the ' 7 steps of proper hand wash ' with the Hadith in relation to this practice. Qualitative Method has been used in this research and data collection was obtained from the books of Hadith, other books, journal articles, and websites related to the title of the study. The result of the study found that the hand wash practices recommended by the MOH are in line with the recommendations from the Holy Quran and Hadith. In fact, there are a number of hadith that organizes a more complete, detailed, and comprehensive hand wash practice, that involves the hygiene care from the fingertips to the end of the elbow that is easily practised.
Penularan wabak COVID-19 di Malaysia pada awal tahun 2020 ini telah membawa satu perubahan besar dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Masyarakat perlu menerima hakikat bahawa pandemik ini mungkin akan berterusan sehingga vaksin dan rawatan khusus seperti antiviral ditemui melainkan ada perubahan sikap masyarakat untuk menghentikan jangkitan ini daripada berterusan. Para saintis di seluruh dunia, berkerja keras untuk mengenalpasti dan menghasilkan vaksin dan antiviral ini. Akan tetapi, semua ini memerlukan kajian yang memakan sedikit masa. Oleh itu, dalam usaha mencegah wabak ini dari merebak secara berterusan di dalam komuniti, maka Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) telah menggariskan tiga norma baharu yang perlu dijadikan amalan rutin harian iaitu kerap membasuh tangan, penjarakan sosial dan penggunaan pelitup muka. Ini kerana, rantaian jangkitan ini amatlah perlu diputuskan dengan menghalang penularan virus Corona yang menyebabkan jangkitan COVID-19 ini dari individu yang dijangkiti ke individu yang lain di dalam sesebuah komuniti. Oleh itu, kertas kerja ini memfokuskan kepada amalan membasuh atau mencuci tangan sebagai salah satu cara pencegahan penyakit COVID-19 daripada perspektif hadith. Dua objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengkaji tentang pencegahan penyakit melalui amalan mencuci tangan berdasarkan hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. dan menganalisis hubungkait antara saranan ‘7 Langkah Mencuci Tangan yang Betul’ dengan hadith-hadith yang berkaitan dengannya. Metod kualitatif telah digunakan dalam kajian ini dan pengumpulan data diperolehi daripada kitab-kitab hadith yang berautoriti, buku-buku, artikel jurnal dan laman sesawang yang berkaitan dengan tajuk kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa amalan mencuci tangan yang disarankan oleh KKM adalah bertepatan dengan tuntutan al-Quran dan hadith. Bahkan terdapat sejumlah hadith yang menganjurkan amalan mencuci tangan yang lebih lengkap, terperinci dan menyeluruh iaitu penjagaan kebersihan dari hujung jari sehingga ke hujung siku.
Kata Kunci: Pencegahan, COVID-19, mencuci tangan, jangkitan, hadith.
The spread of COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia in early 2020 has brought major change in our lives. The community needs to accept that this pandemic is likely to continue until the vaccine and specific treatment like antivirals are identified except if there is a change in attitudes. Scientists, are working hard to produce vaccines and antivirals. However, these efforts require ongoing researches. Therefore, in order to prevent this outbreak from spreading continuously within the community, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has outlined three new norms that need to be practiced as daily routines, which are frequent hand washing, social distancing, and use of face mask. This is because the chain of infection has to be ended by preventing the transmission of Coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 infection from individuals who are infected to other individuals in a community. Therefore, this paper focuses on hand wash practices as a means of preventing COVID-19 disease from the hadith perspective. The two objectives of this study are to study the prevention of diseases through the practice of hand wash based on the hadith of the prophet and analyze the relationship between the ' 7 steps of proper hand wash ' with the Hadith in relation to this practice. Qualitative Method has been used in this research and data collection was obtained from the books of Hadith, other books, journal articles, and websites related to the title of the study. The result of the study found that the hand wash practices recommended by the MOH are in line with the recommendations from the Holy Quran and Hadith. In fact, there are a number of hadith that organize a more complete, detailed, and comprehensive hand wash practice, that involves the hygiene care from the fingertips to the end of the elbow that is easily practiced.
Keywords: Prevention, COVID-19, handwash, infection, hadith.
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